Filters rows between boundary values. More...
Import Statement: | import SortFilterProxyModel . |
Inherits: |
A RangeFilter is a RoleFilter that accepts rows if their data is between the filter's minimum and maximum value.
In the following example, only rows with their price
role set to a value between the tow boundary of the slider will be accepted :
RangeSlider { id: priceRangeSlider } SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: priceModel filters: RangeFilter { roleName: "price" minimumValue: priceRangeSlider.first.value maximumValue: priceRangeSlider.second.value } }
This property holds whether the filter is enabled. A disabled filter will accept every rows unconditionally (even if it's inverted).
By default, filters are enabled.
This property holds whether the filter is inverted. When a filter is inverted, a row normally accepted would be rejected, and vice-versa.
By default, filters are not inverted.
This property holds whether the minimumValue is inclusive.
By default, the minimumValue is inclusive.
See also minimumValue.
This property holds the maximumValue of the filter. Rows with a value higher than maximumValue
will be rejected.
By default, no value is set.
See also maximumInclusive.
This property holds whether the minimumValue is inclusive.
By default, the minimumValue is inclusive.
See also minimumValue.
This property holds the minimumValue of the filter. Rows with a value lower than minimumValue
will be rejected.
By default, no value is set.
See also minimumInclusive.
This property holds the role name that the filter is using to query the source model's data when filtering items.