RangeFilter QML Type

Filters rows between boundary values. More...

Import Statement: import SortFilterProxyModel .



Detailed Description

A RangeFilter is a RoleFilter that accepts rows if their data is between the filter's minimum and maximum value.

In the following example, only rows with their price role set to a value between the tow boundary of the slider will be accepted :

RangeSlider {
   id: priceRangeSlider

SortFilterProxyModel {
   sourceModel: priceModel
   filters: RangeFilter {
       roleName: "price"
       minimumValue: priceRangeSlider.first.value
       maximumValue: priceRangeSlider.second.value

Property Documentation

enabled : bool

This property holds whether the filter is enabled. A disabled filter will accept every rows unconditionally (even if it's inverted).

By default, filters are enabled.

inverted : bool

This property holds whether the filter is inverted. When a filter is inverted, a row normally accepted would be rejected, and vice-versa.

By default, filters are not inverted.

maximumInclusive : int

This property holds whether the minimumValue is inclusive.

By default, the minimumValue is inclusive.

See also minimumValue.

maximumValue : int

This property holds the maximumValue of the filter. Rows with a value higher than maximumValue will be rejected.

By default, no value is set.

See also maximumInclusive.

minimumInclusive : int

This property holds whether the minimumValue is inclusive.

By default, the minimumValue is inclusive.

See also minimumValue.

minimumValue : int

This property holds the minimumValue of the filter. Rows with a value lower than minimumValue will be rejected.

By default, no value is set.

See also minimumInclusive.

roleName : string

This property holds the role name that the filter is using to query the source model's data when filtering items.